Bird watching


Sri Lanka is a birder’s paradise. A tropical island in the Indian Ocean, with favourable climatic conditions and natural habitats such as forests, wetlands, grasslands scrublands, rivers, and agricultural lands. The country is home to 439 species of birds of which 236 are breeding residents, 203 migrants. For such a small country, Sri Lanka has 33 endemic species and 68 endemic subspecies of birds, which demonstrates why Sri Lanka is one of the best birding destinations in the world.


A few of the popular locations among birders are Singharaja Forest Reserve, Bundala National Park, Horton Plains National Park, Kitulgala Makandawa Rain Forest, Talangama Wetlands, and Udawattakelle Rain Forest. This includes endemics such as Fowls, Pigeons, Parrots, Parakeets, Malkoha, Coucal, Owl, Owlet, Hornbill, Barbet. In addition, there are about 200 seasonal migratory birds arriving around August & September and leaving around April & May making it a regular wintering destination. Some of the migrant birds are Openbill, Ibis, Heron, Egrets, Pelicans, Cormorants, and Ducks.



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Bird watching

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